Friday, January 12, 2018

My Basic Auto body Design

  1. We chose to use the body style of a sedan. We chose to use it because it’s our favorite body style and it is a reliable car, also it is endurant and tough.
  2. In my final design, I would like to have a rear-view camera for parking along with blind spot detection similar to the newer cars.
  3. I would name the car the X4 and I think Honda should manufacture it because it s similar looking to some of the other cars they make.
  4. I think this car would be appealing to newer drivers because it is safer than a lot of other cars. The target market is new drivers.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate this assignment about a 5 because it wasn’t really difficult, it just took some time.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My Basic Automotive Design Part 1

  1. I think 3D printing could help the industry to design new parts and pieces, but I don’t think they will make a difference for production because an assembly line is a much faster way to produce more vehicles
  2. I think cars might eventually be manufactured like this because people may want to have custom models made specifically to fit their guidelines, and using 3D printing would be a lot easier than an assembly line.
  3. If I could use a 3D printer to make anything, I would have a car custom made to fit my size, and I would have it look exactly how I would want it to.
  4. I would want a luxury body style because they are very comfortable and fancy .


Monday, January 8, 2018

Automotive Body Styles Part 2 of 2

1.  One thing I found surprising about the design process is that they make a clay car design first which would probably take a long time to do.

2.  The designer has to consider if the new car looks dramatically different and if the car looks to old fashioned.

3.  General motors introduced the first clay making model. Its most likely used today because they clay models are more easy to use.

4.  Some advantages of the computer model methods is that is faster and more efficient.
