Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Automobile styles and designs. part 1

1.  SUV- Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV s) have existed since the 1930s but experienced explosive popularity during the mid-1990s.  Built on a truck frame, SUVs harnesses utility attributes and powerful engine performance. One of the first popular SUVs in the United States was the Jeep originally conceived based on a demand for a four-wheel drive vehicle during World War II.

Image result for suv hyundai

2.  Truck-  Trucks or pickup trucks are the workhorses of the auto industry. Found with an open, flat bed for hauling a variety of cargo, pickup trucks can be fitted with three cabin options. If looking at a truck, choosing the right kind for a specific lifestyle can prove very difficult. It’s wise for a buyer to seriously realize their needs and not purchase a truck that may be too limited or excessive in capacity.

Image result for ford f150
3. Sedan-   A long-running and popular body style among car buyers around the world, the sedan adapts nicely to almost any automotive lifestyle. Whether you are a single person or part of a family of five, a sedan provides several useful features such as four doors and a separate trunk storage area. Sedans are unofficially classified under the category family sedan, sports sedan or luxury sedan. 
Image result for sedan
4.  Sport-  Rarely practical, sports cars are intent to create an atmosphere of fun for the driver on the streets or possibly on the race track. On-road performers, sports cars do not adhere stringently to any specific body style criteria allowing a driver to decide on a vehicle matching their individual tastes and lifestyle. Sport cars can be built using coupe, convertible as well as sedan body styles.
Image result for sport cars
5.  luxury- A luxury car is considered the peak of driving comfort and aspires to provide the most rewarding sensation of motoring. Based on the oddity and expense of early automobiles, the luxury car category was actually one of the first vehicle types established. One key element of a luxury car is their higher cost to conventional automobiles. Brand prestige, but also technology causes the price of luxury cars to be greater. Due to the advance in technology, many automotive features first appear on luxury cars prior to being fully implemented for the mass market. Electric starter, air conditioning and HID headlights are some items that were introduced on luxury cars over decades. 
Image result for luxury cars


Don't overlook automotive technology as a high-tech career path. Part 2 and 3

NATEF- (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) The purpose of the NATEF is to improve the training programs for students who intend to go into the automotive technician industry. They compare training programs to the standards established by the industry

SGS- The purpose of the SGS is to help you: Reduce costs and delivery lead-times, improve build quality and efficiency, Manage your supply chain at every stage, Confirm your ability to provide safe and reliable vehicles, Improve your aftermarket and distribution operations, Increase safety and reduce the environmental impact of road traffic

ASE- (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence) they work to improve the quality of vehicle repair

1. The career I would like the most is a race car driver because I think it would be fun and it would be thrilling. The career I probably wouldn't like the most is the car designer because i'm not good at drawing or designing.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Don't overlook automotive technology as a high-tech career path.

1.  Some high-tech on automobiles that were not around 30 years ago are rear view cameras, Bluetooth, blind spot protection warnings, aux, etc.

2. Areas where young people should have skills for a career for a automotive technician is math, science and communications.

3.  Some advantages in obtaining an education as a automotive technician because the industry is expected to add 237,500 new jobs.

4.  There are expected to add 237,500 new jobs and have a 30 percent up to 2020.

5.  The automotive technician career is immune too computer programming, customer call-center work, and accounting services.

6.  Four other positions that a automotive technician can do are  collision repair, painting, and damage estimating and vehicle maintenance.

7.  It is called a portal career because  many people have started their careers in the automotive aftermarket as an auto technician that it is viewed as something of a portal career.

1.  One aspect of being an automotive technician that I think I would enjoy, is learning how to work on my own vehicle so I could save money by doing it myself.

2.  It was interesting that we can do an apprenticeship while we're in collage and get paid while we do it. So we can earn while we learn.

3.  It is a life-long learning job because automobile technology changes every year and it is important because you have to learn about the new stuff in cars.

4.  Some skills people should have when entering the career as a automotive technician is communication skills, should be reliable, and the should be have skills in hands on work.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Tech for The Sake of Tech?

1. I did find it surprising that people between the ages of 21-38 did not care about smart phone connectivity in their automobiles because as a younger generation I thought they would want i phone connectivity. My generation would not feel the same about the option, they would feel that it is a beneficial option because of hands free calling, Bluetooth, etc.

2.  I think the dangers of texting and driving will be the same because when you get distracted in your phone you will miss the warning of the blind spot detector and will still have the same risk of being in a accident.

3. The technologies on new cars are semi important o my family because it does offer stuff that will help you drive.

4.  One technological feature I would look for in a car is a back up camera because i'm not that good at backing up.

5. One new feature was the self parking car. In the past we had the self parking car which some people found unnecessary or useless.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Technologies in Development

1. We think the flying car is way less likely to happen because it was just an idea and way made using a 3D printer.

2. The self driving car is likely to have the biggest impact on society because it could prevent accidents from happening and could save many lives. It could also prevent people from getting lost.

3. The self driving car is already somewhat a part of our everyday lives because we already have self parking cars

4. The Ford's ''Driver workload Estimator'' could keep drivers and passengers safe because it reduces stress of the driver making the driver more focused on the road.

5. My thoughts on the flying cars, its a good idea but I think there are possible dangers like crashing.

6.I think the self driving cars have its pros and cons. some pros are less accidents and less human error. some cons are that it could screw up and crash and it will strip people the knowledge of driving.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ford model T

1. The Model-T Ford took one tenth the time it took to make any other automobile of it's time

2. The Model T was introduced in 1909, and costed 9 50$

3. He payed the workers 5$, which was a lot more than what other jobs would pay around that time. He reduced their hours from 9 to 8 hours, which allowed him to have 3 shifts going at once so he could make cars around the clock.

4. The Model T's were 20 horsepower.

5. 3 body styles were the touring car, roadster, and roadster pickup.

6. Almost 15 and a half million Model T's were built.

7.  You started the Model-T by a hand crank and it was fairly easy to start.

8. It was made to handle a bunch of different roads because cities were just starting up so the roads were often terrible so they had to be made to handle good roads, bad roads, and no roads.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Carl Benz

1)  The automobile has been around since the late 20th century.

2) A Patent is a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.

3)  When he received the patent in 1886 he used the title of the gas engine for his design.

4)  His wife Verda drives the automobile and thus the first petro station is born.

5)  The axle pivot system allowed him to steer both front wheels simultaneously rather than just one.

6)  The name of the two brands are Mercedes Benz.

7)  He experienced success.
