Thursday, December 7, 2017

Technologies in Development

1. We think the flying car is way less likely to happen because it was just an idea and way made using a 3D printer.

2. The self driving car is likely to have the biggest impact on society because it could prevent accidents from happening and could save many lives. It could also prevent people from getting lost.

3. The self driving car is already somewhat a part of our everyday lives because we already have self parking cars

4. The Ford's ''Driver workload Estimator'' could keep drivers and passengers safe because it reduces stress of the driver making the driver more focused on the road.

5. My thoughts on the flying cars, its a good idea but I think there are possible dangers like crashing.

6.I think the self driving cars have its pros and cons. some pros are less accidents and less human error. some cons are that it could screw up and crash and it will strip people the knowledge of driving.


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