Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ford model T

1. The Model-T Ford took one tenth the time it took to make any other automobile of it's time

2. The Model T was introduced in 1909, and costed 9 50$

3. He payed the workers 5$, which was a lot more than what other jobs would pay around that time. He reduced their hours from 9 to 8 hours, which allowed him to have 3 shifts going at once so he could make cars around the clock.

4. The Model T's were 20 horsepower.

5. 3 body styles were the touring car, roadster, and roadster pickup.

6. Almost 15 and a half million Model T's were built.

7.  You started the Model-T by a hand crank and it was fairly easy to start.

8. It was made to handle a bunch of different roads because cities were just starting up so the roads were often terrible so they had to be made to handle good roads, bad roads, and no roads.


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