Friday, October 27, 2017

Be true to your school.

1)  The design represents out school because it uses our school mascot.

2)  The most challenging part was trying to fit it on the bus. The easiest part was painting the bus.

3)  I don't really have any interest in it because its not something that interest  me.

4)  I would not want to work at auto detailing job because its not really something i'm good at.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Before the war

1)  I Selected this photo out of the two because it looked the easiest.

2)  The most challenging part was trying to restore his head. The easiest part was doing the background.

3)  I never restored a picture before.

4)  I would never want a job where i had to restore pictures because its really challenging. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Freak of Nature

1) I selected the animals I did because I thought they would look good and funny together.

2) The part that was most challenging was cropping the pugs head on the bears body. The part i found the easiest was finding the photos.

3) Outta 10, I would probably rate a 7.5/10 of realistic looking.

4) I never used photo editing before.

Friday, October 20, 2017

The five techniques.

1)  Rule of Thirds- Applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.

2)  Fill the frame- The frame refers to the edges of your photograph or the edges of the viewfinder of your camera when you are shooting.

3)  To encompass or surround your subject with other elements.

4)  Point of view- t is told from the perspective of "you". Third Person Point Of View: Third person POV is used when your narrator is not a character in the story.

5)  Level horizon-  Placing the Horizon Line. In outdoor photography, where you place the horizon line in your frame has a powerful effect on how your compositions are interpreted. 

Camera Techniques.

1)  I think filling the frame is important because it focuses on one person or object instead on multiple making it less cluster in the picture.

2)  Two things I learned were a lot of people take pictures wrong and hold your camera level.

3)  The part I liked best was about the framing.

4)  What I found confusing was the part about the rule of thirds.

5) I would like to learn more about level horizon.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Digital Awareness Campaign.

1)  My target audience is all people that have any type of social media account that has a password in order to get in.

2)  The issue is people not using safe and secured passwords and as a result it is easy access for hackers.

3)  The call of action is people not using safe and secured passwords and getting hacked as a result.

4)  The effectiveness of the image I used was a shady looking gut because and hacker could be anyone even someone you know

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Digital Law

1)  The most surprising I found out abut this unit was that there is a lot more law for the internet than I thought.

2)  I found that a little confusing because of the way it was set up.

3)  I think the videos about copyright, fair dealing, public domain and creative common were pretty easy to understand and got their point across clearly.

4) is a helpful website. It is a good resource for young people looking for information or help on cyber bullying because it has good tips and tricks.

5)  The biggest issue for young people when it comes to copyright is that they don't give credit to the original creator.

6)  The Biggest issue for young people when it comes cyber-bullying and/or privacy is that they don't think twice when the post things online  

Monday, October 16, 2017

Digital Access

1)  I think it is a basic human right because mostly every thing we do know is online.

2)  I think there is enough public places that have internet because every store I go to has WiFi.

3)  I do get concerned abut my privacy when I share information online because I don't know who can see it. I can change my settings on private on social media.

4)  I do worry that what I posted on the internet when I was younger could come back and haunt me because I was pretty annoying when I was younger.

5)  The biggest issue for young people when it comes to digital access and privacy is they don't update their phones when they're supposed to and the use free WiFi from places. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Privacy Please

Digital Business

1)  What I found most surprising about digital business is that online stores don't have as good as a return policy as I thought.

2)  I had heard of Paypal before. Paypal is an American company operating a worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders.

3)  I did order stuff online and I was for most part pretty happy but one time I ordered BB's for my air soft gun and they never came but they charged me for them. 

4)  I never sold anything online but my brother has and it was a positive experience.

5)  The biggest issue for young people when it comes to online shopping is that they don't check the website the buy from and in the getting ripped of or scammed.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Digital Wellness

1)  I do consider sometimes how technology can have a negative effect on my wellness and health because when I stare at a screen for along time I get a head ache. Also sometimes Id rather use technology then go outside so its making me less active.

2)  Some activities I do to step away from technology is to go four wheeling with my buds and go hunting with my dad.

3)  The biggest issue for young people when it comes to digital wellness is that they spend to much time on technology and not enough time outside.

Assignment: The pledge

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Digital Etiquette

 1) What I found most surprising about Digital Etiquette was that people sign up for stuff without reading the terms and conditions.

2)  I don't think internet users concern themselves with the terms and conditions when joining a site. They should be concern about the terms and conditions because they might be signing up for something they don't want to do or they could easily break a rule because they never read the terms and conditions.

3)  I would probably rate myself 8/10 for behaving appropriately online because I do swear and cuss sometimes online.

4)  One thing I can do to behave better online is to stop swearing.

5)  I think the biggest issue online with young people is that they don't read the terms and conditions when signing up for an app or online service.  

terms and conditions assignment