Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Digital Law

1)  The most surprising I found out abut this unit was that there is a lot more law for the internet than I thought.

2)  I found that NeedHelpNow.ca a little confusing because of the way it was set up.

3)  I think the videos about copyright, fair dealing, public domain and creative common were pretty easy to understand and got their point across clearly.

4) NeedHelpNow.ca is a helpful website. It is a good resource for young people looking for information or help on cyber bullying because it has good tips and tricks.

5)  The biggest issue for young people when it comes to copyright is that they don't give credit to the original creator.

6)  The Biggest issue for young people when it comes cyber-bullying and/or privacy is that they don't think twice when the post things online  

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